Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's Never Free

Free this and Free that, everywhere I look something is being offered for free. In my mailbox, in my email, on the radio, and on the TV. whats the catch? In todays mail their was a coupon section and the local Arby's said Free coke but when you look at the fine print this was with the purchase of a sandwich. Another ad said free pizza when you buy a regular pizza you get the second one for free. On Ebay a lot of the ads state free shipping but are they jacking up the price of the item so that they can give you this free shipping?

On the internet there are all the free reports and free ebooks or the one I like is these business opportunities that say free training. There is always a catch though. Like these free reports and ebooks. They either give you just enough information to make you want more or what they are giving you for free is a 'lite' version of what you would be getting if you had bought the paid version. There is always a price.

Remember when we were kids and used to play Monopoly? You could get a "Get out of Jail FREE" card but it had a cost. The cost was you had to go to jail in order to use it. A lot of companies off Free trials for their services and products but with most of them you have to give them your CC details and after the trial is finished they start automatically billing you monthly or even weekly. I have tried to take advantage of these by cancelling on the last day but if you sign up for too many of them 1 might sneak by which has happened to me.

I received one email a few days ago from a friend of mine of this lady who was supposedly broke 13 years ago but now she is making a great income and she wants to show you how to do this. She even goes on to say that she knows what its like to be broke and wants to make her course available to everybody who has wasted all their money with other courses but finally after you give your information you get an email from her with a link on it and the price is just under $1000. This is not five payments equalling this amount but one payment. The question I have is that if she nows how it feels having wasted all of your money on other opportunities and coaching programs then why would we now waste another $1000 on her program after we have been burned so much in the past. The reason she is making money now is because she is selling her course for almost $1,000. So what if she is paying affiliates $500 of that she still has a nice chunk of change left over.

I get so many emails from so many marketers giving away free reports, videos, and MP3s's but the bottom line is they are all just sales letters of some sort. On a lot of the pages they direct you to these are called Squeeze pages where they give you so little info and then if you want to get more you have to give them your name and email address. Once they have this information they now will send you other emails offering you advice but also making offers for other products.

My son, Jacob, heard a radio annexing the other day, actually it was a commercial, but saying how you could get a Free Laptop computer just for answering a few short questions. I visited this site and at first they just get your info and then before you go on they make all these offers. Keep in mind that for every offer you say yes to that you have to fill out another form with a lot more information. After about an hour and a Gazillion questions they took me to a screen saying that I was almost half way there. I closed my browser right away because I did not want to have to fill out offers on another 1,000 pages. I did find out about 2 marketers who used these types of sites to get subscribers, both of them were these No Money down real estate gurus which I'm sure you have seen.

Even free software still has a cost. You may pay almost a $1000 for a Microsoft product but at least the support for the first ninety days won't cost you anything. Free software however offers very little and sometimes no support. I heard a rumor recently that Microsoft was going to be offering low cost or free hosting but then what will they be charging per minute for support?

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. Blog3547
Cassandry Blog14584


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