Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Privacy Invaders: Spyware And Adware Dangers

Do Internet Users Really Mind Big Brother Watching Them?

Let's get real about who is watching us online. No matter where we go, someone is monitoring our visits. Does this really pose any form of danger? Is this considered a privacy rights violation? It's simple. Protecting a computer is one of the most important aspects to a computer owner. Protection of software is often the highest importance for many users. One of the fastest ways that a computer can become corrupted is from viruses that attack the computer. Viruses can come in many forms, but is often a result of insufficient protection against software viruses. There can be, however, virus protection software that can be of poor quality, and still allow viruses to filter thru. Just as virus protection is important, so is the security information that is given on a computer.

What's the big deal?

Your credit card numbers, bank info and social security info are easily transferred to other parties in other countries. I had a client who had the pleasure of "overhauling" his credit because his identity had been compromised (stolen) for years!

What are these programs?

Spyware (software that records every move you make online)
Adware (secretly added software, both spying and controlling)
and they both are somewhat like a virus.

Is my computer infected?

Have you ever seen your computer make a change that you did not authorize? Don't risk it! When a computer is being used, there are many websites that can be accessed that have advertisement banners. Once a banner has been clicked on a webpage, Spyware often goes into effect. This means that the company that created the banner will track all actions that a computer user generates. This is to monitor the Internet habits of the individual. Such programs often mention that such information that is collected is often not shared, but the collection of the information alone makes Spyware and Adware a violation to the privacy of the consumer.

Is it only financially dangerous?

No. This is terribly dangerous. Everyday we see children will often give 'their life story' by visiting a site or leaving a simple comment. Additionally, Spyware and Adware programs are not only deceiving, but they are intrusive in the lives of those that are unaware of the hidden security dangers that lie ahead. Spending habits, times of Internet usage, and even personal information can all be gathered from Spyware and Adware manipulation. The worst form of information to be addressed with Spyware and Adware is that neither program is illegal. It's Sad. At this time, those that distribute the programs to gather the personal information can do so without breaking any federal laws. Spyware and Adware have been and continue to be programs that can be created and distributed by any company that is seeking personal information on people. The legal injustices that are associated with both programs, and the lack of attention to the personal security of the public are what bring about many fears of personal safety for many people. There will always be those that are hesitant to use such programs.

My kids use our computer at home. We tried the FREE CHECK-UP and Bingo. We found the bug that was driving us crazy. I recommend the free check up at HTTP://WWW.FLUXBPM.COM -NOSPYWARE. This will alleviate the danger of 'the Spyware & Adaware Scheme'

As a Spyware victim it is worth it to keep my family and business private. NOSPYWARE works.

R.I Star (Flux Security Agent)Blondell Blog2012
Bertina Blog31746


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