Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Look Great with the Latest Cosmetics Combining Healing Like Ingredients

Beauty has been a sensitive issue for both men and women since ancient times. There cannot be a better example of this concern than the reports of Cleopatra bathing in a donkey's milk to keep her skin young and glowing. Legends testify that Egyptians and Greeks adopted various beauty treatments that used both natural and chemical ingredients.

The term, "Cosmocueticals" is being used widely today. But what is the story behind cosmocueticals? Researchers have combined the beneficial aspects of both science and cosmetics. These two diverse and strong fields have come together as one. In the process of developing this new beneficial admixture, they have thrown open the gates to a dynamic new industry.

Science is one of our most powerful fields and the field of cosmetics is a very commercial. They are two of our largest and most powerful fields. Therefore, cosmocuetics, as a field of endeavor, seems to have almost unlimited potential.

Interested to learn more about how this burgeoning new industry can have positive benefits for your life? Spend a few minutes with me exploring this encouraging new field.

You will probably agree that both these fields have distinctive identities. This merger is certainly a promising and prominent one, capable of solving many of our health problems. There is also an allied field of activity that is continuously working toward combining science with cosmetics. This is known as cosmetic chemistry.

Until recently, only medical procedures were recognized as solutions to various health problems. But, with advances in cosmocueticals, you can expect new options and treatments.

Here are some of the products that best explain the concept of cosmocueticals:

There are two groups of chemical ingredients used in preparing cosmetics that are in sync with consumers' needs: (1) vehicle agents and (2) active agents. The vehicle agents aid in preparing cosmetics, while the active agents play an active role and decide the final product's effect on your skin. It is the job of cosmetic chemists to strike the right combination of these agents and prepare cosmetics to satisfy you the customer.

Some agents are found in most of the cosmetics. Water is a good example. But, it is the duty of cosmetic producers to use only safe, distilled, filtered and sterilized water, Due to its ability to flow, water is used in lotions and creams as a spreading agent. It is also a natural choice in moisturizers too.

* Surfactants comprise a product category that performs various functions. Sometimes, they are used in cleansers, body washes, and even shampoos. They perform the role of emulsifiers in creams and lotions. They are also are used as solubilisers to dissolve oils in water-based cosmetics.

* Emulsifiers are another important category of ingredients in cosmetics. Their primary function is to enable water and oil-soluble substances to mix evenly. Uniformity of ingredients is essential in cosmetics so that they spread evenly and serve their purpose. Lecithin is one of the popular emulsifiers.

* Emollients refer to the large molecules of chemicals that collectively prevent water loss from your skin, thereby preventing it from becoming dry and dull. This property of emollients makes them a main ingredient in moisturizers since the purpose of these cosmetics is to make your skin appear soft and smooth. Moisturizers generally include fatty esters which are essential to replace as you age and natural esters are depleted.

These various categories of cosmetics should help you better understand the concept of cosmoceuticals. This new field has developed some products that will help you find effective solutions to problems like dark circles under your eyes, puffiness, wrinkles, and eye strain.

Cosmoceuticals is a new trend in the field of cosmetics. You can find a wide range of products in cosmoceuticals from which you can choose those that will soothe you and heal many of your topical skin problems. This is an ever-growing field and new developments occur every day.

Cosmoceuticals, in the long run, can encourage us to begin to see and realize that nature, helped along by science, can be a good soother and healer. Mere medical procedures cannot be always accurate and effective. The same is of course true of nature, but in combination their potential is limitless.

Nature alone can be unpredictable. Science and nature individually are limited. Individually, their side-effects often can cause more harm than the actual ailment. Together, science and nature can create exciting products.

Accordingly, cosmoceuticals today are helping address unslighty problems associated with natural aging. Products like Lumnaderm(TM) focus on harmless but unsightly age spots, liver spots, and sun spots; while Eyederma(TM) deals with dark circles under your eyes. Dark circles on the skin and under the eyes, in some cases, are an indication of more serious problems and they should be examined by a doctor. However, for the overwhelming majority of people, they are problems that can be addressed with cosmoceuticals like Lumnaderm(TM) and Eyederma(TM).

The well regarded cosmoceutical Eyederma(tm) boasts rich ingredients that targets a nagging problem of many people as they age -- dark circles under their eyes. It is not within the scope of this article to discuss all the reasons people tend to have dark circles under their eyes as they age. However, the Eyederma(tm) product makes our general point. It illustrates how a common problem like dark circles and patches under your eyes can be minimized without expensive surgery.

Imagine the promise of this type of cosmoceutical. A product like this could save you thousands of dollars in hospital costs, lost wages, and recovery time (not to mention risk) if you experience dark circles under your eyes.

Think about it, other options like plastic surgery are more dangerous and costly. The Eyederma(tm) cosmoceutical example certainly seems like a worthwhile consideration and maybe investment for those whose who are concerned about a more vibrant youthful appearance. Both the Lumnaderm(tm) and Eyederma(tm) products are distributed by major retailers and established online stores like and the (

Cosmoceuticals may be the long-awaited merger of medicine and cosmetics. It has certainly become the buzzword in the cosmetic industry today. For all of you who are concerned with your appearance, cosmoceuticals may just be a timely and welcome merger of science and nature!

Written by the V-Team, courtesy Kamau Austin, publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips about reducing dark cycle around the eyes with Eyedermaat Blog90161
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