Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's Never Free

Free this and Free that, everywhere I look something is being offered for free. In my mailbox, in my email, on the radio, and on the TV. whats the catch? In todays mail their was a coupon section and the local Arby's said Free coke but when you look at the fine print this was with the purchase of a sandwich. Another ad said free pizza when you buy a regular pizza you get the second one for free. On Ebay a lot of the ads state free shipping but are they jacking up the price of the item so that they can give you this free shipping?

On the internet there are all the free reports and free ebooks or the one I like is these business opportunities that say free training. There is always a catch though. Like these free reports and ebooks. They either give you just enough information to make you want more or what they are giving you for free is a 'lite' version of what you would be getting if you had bought the paid version. There is always a price.

Remember when we were kids and used to play Monopoly? You could get a "Get out of Jail FREE" card but it had a cost. The cost was you had to go to jail in order to use it. A lot of companies off Free trials for their services and products but with most of them you have to give them your CC details and after the trial is finished they start automatically billing you monthly or even weekly. I have tried to take advantage of these by cancelling on the last day but if you sign up for too many of them 1 might sneak by which has happened to me.

I received one email a few days ago from a friend of mine of this lady who was supposedly broke 13 years ago but now she is making a great income and she wants to show you how to do this. She even goes on to say that she knows what its like to be broke and wants to make her course available to everybody who has wasted all their money with other courses but finally after you give your information you get an email from her with a link on it and the price is just under $1000. This is not five payments equalling this amount but one payment. The question I have is that if she nows how it feels having wasted all of your money on other opportunities and coaching programs then why would we now waste another $1000 on her program after we have been burned so much in the past. The reason she is making money now is because she is selling her course for almost $1,000. So what if she is paying affiliates $500 of that she still has a nice chunk of change left over.

I get so many emails from so many marketers giving away free reports, videos, and MP3s's but the bottom line is they are all just sales letters of some sort. On a lot of the pages they direct you to these are called Squeeze pages where they give you so little info and then if you want to get more you have to give them your name and email address. Once they have this information they now will send you other emails offering you advice but also making offers for other products.

My son, Jacob, heard a radio annexing the other day, actually it was a commercial, but saying how you could get a Free Laptop computer just for answering a few short questions. I visited this site and at first they just get your info and then before you go on they make all these offers. Keep in mind that for every offer you say yes to that you have to fill out another form with a lot more information. After about an hour and a Gazillion questions they took me to a screen saying that I was almost half way there. I closed my browser right away because I did not want to have to fill out offers on another 1,000 pages. I did find out about 2 marketers who used these types of sites to get subscribers, both of them were these No Money down real estate gurus which I'm sure you have seen.

Even free software still has a cost. You may pay almost a $1000 for a Microsoft product but at least the support for the first ninety days won't cost you anything. Free software however offers very little and sometimes no support. I heard a rumor recently that Microsoft was going to be offering low cost or free hosting but then what will they be charging per minute for support?

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. Blog3547
Cassandry Blog14584

Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Group Health Insurance Coverage

In an atmosphere of ever-growing health care and health insurance costs, group health insurance coverage is becoming critical for many employees. In fact, surveys consistently show that employees value health insurance benefits above all others.

Studies have shown that a solid majority (over 60%) of Americans receive their health insurance benefits through group health insurance coverage through their employer (or their spouses employer). Of course, from the employees point of view, this is the least expensive option for securing health insurance. Nevertheless, whether you are a business owner or employee, what follows is a discussion of some interesting aspects of the group health insurance market.

There are two main reasons that employers offer group health insurance coverage. The first is to attract talented employees. The second reason is related to the first: To reduce employee turnover. Its not uncommon for employees to become dependent on their health insurance. That is, an employee who may otherwise leave their job to become self-employed may not do so because of health reasons. That is, he or she may not be eligible under an individual policy due to a preexisting condition. Preexisting conditions are typically not covered under individual health insurance plans.

The primary difference between individual and group health insurance is that group plans are guaranteed issue, while individual plans are not. Guaranteed issue means that an insurance company cannot deny coverage due to any preexisting medical conditions.

Some individual health insurance plans are issued to individuals with preexisting conditions, but usually only with what is called an exclusionary rider. This exclusionary rider will exclude coverage for treatment related to the preexisting condition. Its interesting to note that in California, insurance companies are not allowed to practice this policy. As you might expect, the result is a much higher rate of declined applications for individuals, since insurance companies choose simply not to issue coverage for individuals with preexisting medical conditions.

For group health insurance coverage, premium cost sharing between employer and employee has pretty much become a common feature in todays labor market. In the vast majority of cases, insurance companies require employees to pay a minimum of 50% of the premiums, although many choose to pay a higher percentage. In general, the larger the company, the greater the percentage paid by the company. Not all insurance companies require coverage for dependents, although again many businesses elect to offer this coverage as well.

There are tax incentives available to both employer and employee for qualifying group health insurance plans. Employers can typically deduct 100% of the premium costs, while employees can pay their portion of the monthly premiums with pretax dollars. Both practices can result in significant savings over the course of a year.

Lastly, group health insurance coverage is available as either an indemnity (fee-for-service) plan or managed care plan (HMO, PPO, or POS). Indemnity plans are the oldest, as well as the most expensive, type of health insurance. As a result of their high costs, indemnity plans have all but disappeared from the landscape, and been replaced by managed health care plans.

Managed group health insurance plans come in various forms: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), or Point of Service (POS) plans. The HMO was the first alternative to traditional insurance (indemnity) and became popular for its ability to reduce costs for both employer and employee by creating networks of doctors and hospitals and thereby being able to apply cost saving measures.

The PPO plans have in recent years become the most popular type of group health insurance. PPOs (as well as POS plans) combine many of the freedoms enjoyed with indemnity plans while still being able to implement many of the cost saving features of an HMO.

The struggle to offer employees affordable group health insurance coverage is an ongoing process for most employers in todays health insurance market. Part of the process is education, from the standpoint of both the employee and employer. Its important to understand that retaining affordable and quality group health insurance is vital to both sides of the labor market employer and employee. Indeed, when done properly, this can be a win-win situation for all concerned.

Jonathon James has been working in the health industry for nearly twenty years. To view additional articles and resources related to group health insurance coverage, please visit Blog93910
Atlante Blog24565

Privacy Invaders: Spyware And Adware Dangers

Do Internet Users Really Mind Big Brother Watching Them?

Let's get real about who is watching us online. No matter where we go, someone is monitoring our visits. Does this really pose any form of danger? Is this considered a privacy rights violation? It's simple. Protecting a computer is one of the most important aspects to a computer owner. Protection of software is often the highest importance for many users. One of the fastest ways that a computer can become corrupted is from viruses that attack the computer. Viruses can come in many forms, but is often a result of insufficient protection against software viruses. There can be, however, virus protection software that can be of poor quality, and still allow viruses to filter thru. Just as virus protection is important, so is the security information that is given on a computer.

What's the big deal?

Your credit card numbers, bank info and social security info are easily transferred to other parties in other countries. I had a client who had the pleasure of "overhauling" his credit because his identity had been compromised (stolen) for years!

What are these programs?

Spyware (software that records every move you make online)
Adware (secretly added software, both spying and controlling)
and they both are somewhat like a virus.

Is my computer infected?

Have you ever seen your computer make a change that you did not authorize? Don't risk it! When a computer is being used, there are many websites that can be accessed that have advertisement banners. Once a banner has been clicked on a webpage, Spyware often goes into effect. This means that the company that created the banner will track all actions that a computer user generates. This is to monitor the Internet habits of the individual. Such programs often mention that such information that is collected is often not shared, but the collection of the information alone makes Spyware and Adware a violation to the privacy of the consumer.

Is it only financially dangerous?

No. This is terribly dangerous. Everyday we see children will often give 'their life story' by visiting a site or leaving a simple comment. Additionally, Spyware and Adware programs are not only deceiving, but they are intrusive in the lives of those that are unaware of the hidden security dangers that lie ahead. Spending habits, times of Internet usage, and even personal information can all be gathered from Spyware and Adware manipulation. The worst form of information to be addressed with Spyware and Adware is that neither program is illegal. It's Sad. At this time, those that distribute the programs to gather the personal information can do so without breaking any federal laws. Spyware and Adware have been and continue to be programs that can be created and distributed by any company that is seeking personal information on people. The legal injustices that are associated with both programs, and the lack of attention to the personal security of the public are what bring about many fears of personal safety for many people. There will always be those that are hesitant to use such programs.

My kids use our computer at home. We tried the FREE CHECK-UP and Bingo. We found the bug that was driving us crazy. I recommend the free check up at HTTP://WWW.FLUXBPM.COM -NOSPYWARE. This will alleviate the danger of 'the Spyware & Adaware Scheme'

As a Spyware victim it is worth it to keep my family and business private. NOSPYWARE works.

R.I Star (Flux Security Agent)Blondell Blog2012
Bertina Blog31746

Ordering Flowers online is easy by following these steps

If you should be ordering flowers in today's deranged world, saying it with flowers is no longer a walk in the park. Flower affair is tricky with seasons, longevity, time, place, weather and tastes, ruling the situation. Florists are fast becoming important service providers in a hurried, niche market. If you are tongue-tied by emotion, seek a florist well versed in floriography or the proper language of flowers, to deliver it best. They can brilliantly adapt to your feelings, tag a well-written enclosure card and deliver with elegance. Putting together personalized object d'arts, florists cater to your needs as well as corporate happenings, private roles, school and college ceremonies or public extravaganzas.

Choosing the right florist can be hard. Check with family, friends, local yellow pages, floral guides or website recommendations to select the right florist. Whether florists operate from homes or supermarkets, garden supply stores or through on line brokers, word of mouth recommendations are always the safest bet. Out of city deliveries mean that your florist must be part of a floral wire-service or national affiliation that makes for easy networking.

Decide on the money and then go for the flowers. If the flowers have to be sent, provide full name, address and telephone number, in addition with the the best time it have to be delivered. Give the florist at least some days' notice and remember to sign the personal greeting card that follows. Flowers may be delivered in the weekends, but there might be an additional charge.

For people in a hurry, flower delivery via telephonic orders is very easy. Remember to spell out your choices on color, single type or mixed arrangement. Offer the same info on the recipient that you normally would do at the store. Payment can be done by any major credit card or through an in house account. Having flowers delivered is nicer than any other gifts.

For bigger events, flower delivery orders must be placed minimum a month in advance to enable the florist schedule order supply delivery and set up time. Even more important if it is the holiday season, flower delivery can be crammed with hits and misses. Provide all the information regarding location, scope of the event and purpose, so that the final delivery is best of the best. Please ensure your contract spells it all out loud, including taboo flowers, second choices, delivery, payment schedule, set-up costs, cancellation or refund clauses.

Let that spontaneous gesture of passion and attention be an deep one and affirm it with ordering flowers online and remain a delightful "forget me never".

JT Bo makes it easy ordering flowers online. Visit to learn more about how to order your flowers to your loved ones.Caroline Blog32561
Bride Blog43895

German Vacation Destinations Frankfurt

Frankfurt, Germany enjoys the prestige of being known as a major business and economic hub not only for Germany but for Europe as a whole. Frankfurt houses the second largest commercial airport in Europe and is a major hub for train rails. The European Central Bank is located in Frankfurt as well as thousands of companies that specialize in international trade, manufacturing, and commodities exchange.

Perhaps a majority of Frankfurts visitors come to the city as a result of business ties. Additionally, there are several economic and business-related fairs and demonstrations that draw hundred of thousands of foreign visitors each year.

Frankfurt also boasts many galleries and museums that showcase the country of Germanys appreciation for the fine arts. Frankfurt has made great efforts to distinguish itself not only as an economic and development hub of Europe, but also as an attraction for art and literature connoisseurs. The famous author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe lived here. Furthermore, the city has etched a name for itself in the stage arts, boasting many revered dance and acting companies that receive worldwide critical acclaim.

The city has a skyline of skyscrapers that give a more Americanized look to it than a more European flair. The business districts contain some of the tallest buildings in Europe, including the Commerzbank tower that climbs to more than 980 feet above the ground.

Much of the construction in Frankfurt is relatively new, replacing devastation left by Allied bombing campaigns that took place in World War II. The result is a modern, bustling financial powerhouse that continues to grow in leaps and bounds and has established itself as a cornerstone of European and worldwide commerce.

Some of the most visited tourist destinations in Frankfurt include:

The Museum of Ethnology
The Museum of Applied Arts
The Communications Museum
The Stdel Institute of Art
The German Film Museum
The Goethe House, birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
St. Pauls Church
Rmerberg Square

Frankfurt is an excellent place to enter Germany by commercial airline, since it is such a large hub. Typically, since most traffic in and out tends to be business-related, many travelers have received good deals on airfare if their schedules are flexible. Furthermore, obtaining transportation to other parts of Germany from Frankfurt is quite easy. Rental car services, trains, and other means of transportation are readily available and like air line flights, may be obtained at very reasonable prices.

Always a main attraction and destination, the River Main runs through Frankfurt. More than 10,000 pedestrians cross it each day using the Eiserner Steg, a large bridge built in the 19th century. The city is very attractive for those with active lifestyles and even hosted some of the matches for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Frankfurt is also the home of the fairy tale themed amusement park Taunus-Wunderland, a popular family attraction that has a vast array of rides, attractions, and shows.

Puripong Koomsin is the owner of is useful article.Annabal Blog60377
Caye Blog79620

The Benefits Of USB Adapters

Finding an available port for your computer peripheral could be very difficult, particularly if you need several ports for your numerous devices. And the difficulty gets more challenging if what you are looking for are ports with serial, parallel and non-USB connectors, because modern computers have either reduced or removed the use non-USB ports.

If you cannot find any available non-USB ports, you can still your non-USB devices to use. Simply get yourself a USB adapter. You may ask, is a USB adapter better than the conventional expansion card? Here are the advantages of employing a USB adapter:

1. Compatibility. Whether you wish to connect the serial, parallel port, or any other non-USB ports to your computer using the USB adapter, you won't have any problem getting them to work properly. The USB adapter allows your devices to work if connected to a USB port.

2. Price. Buying an expansion card is more costly than buying a USB cable.

3. Universality. In the past, there were certain ports that were compatible with only specific devices like printers and modems, particularly for printer ports. USB Adapter accommodates all (depending on the sort of USB adapter) non-USB connectors of any computer peripherals. This short list would include joysticks, keyboards, modems, and mouse with 9- or 25-pin serial connectors.

4. Availability. USB adapters are more plentiful than expansion cards and, in turn, are easier to locate. A local computer store or online store could be a rich resource.

5. Practicality. While most of the devices on the market have USB connectors, computers and other host systems also have USB ports. And because non-USB ports are harder to find, you can resort to a USB adapter to connect your non-USB devices to your computer.

6. No extra expansion cards required. Normally, when you link devices with a non-USB connector to your computer you would need additional expansion cards for each of these. If you would add a joystick and a modem or any peripheral with non-USB connectors, you would have to add an equal number of expansion cards for each use. With a USB adapter, all you require is a USB port to link any non-USB device to your computer.

7. Multipliable. Because a single USB port can accommodate up to 127 devices (including hubs), you can attach several non-USB devices without the need of expansion cards. This means that if you have numerous non-USB devices, all you need to do is to provide each with USB adapter and a hub to connect them to the source.

8. Simple installation. If you prefer to use an expansion card for your single device, you have to open up the computer casing in order for the expansion card to be installed on your motherboard. But that is not the end of it. You still have to turn on your computer to reboot it before the card will start working. With a USB adapter, all you have to do is to attach the connector of your non-USB device to the adapter, insert the adapter into the USB port of your computer and in no time, your device is working--even while your computer is turned on.

With all these advantages, would you still prefer using expansion cards for your non-USB devices? Definitely not! The availability of USB adapters has made connecting devices to your computer quicker, cheaper, and easier.

Michael Brown writes for several online magazines, including and Blog30192
Angela Blog18889

Look Great with the Latest Cosmetics Combining Healing Like Ingredients

Beauty has been a sensitive issue for both men and women since ancient times. There cannot be a better example of this concern than the reports of Cleopatra bathing in a donkey's milk to keep her skin young and glowing. Legends testify that Egyptians and Greeks adopted various beauty treatments that used both natural and chemical ingredients.

The term, "Cosmocueticals" is being used widely today. But what is the story behind cosmocueticals? Researchers have combined the beneficial aspects of both science and cosmetics. These two diverse and strong fields have come together as one. In the process of developing this new beneficial admixture, they have thrown open the gates to a dynamic new industry.

Science is one of our most powerful fields and the field of cosmetics is a very commercial. They are two of our largest and most powerful fields. Therefore, cosmocuetics, as a field of endeavor, seems to have almost unlimited potential.

Interested to learn more about how this burgeoning new industry can have positive benefits for your life? Spend a few minutes with me exploring this encouraging new field.

You will probably agree that both these fields have distinctive identities. This merger is certainly a promising and prominent one, capable of solving many of our health problems. There is also an allied field of activity that is continuously working toward combining science with cosmetics. This is known as cosmetic chemistry.

Until recently, only medical procedures were recognized as solutions to various health problems. But, with advances in cosmocueticals, you can expect new options and treatments.

Here are some of the products that best explain the concept of cosmocueticals:

There are two groups of chemical ingredients used in preparing cosmetics that are in sync with consumers' needs: (1) vehicle agents and (2) active agents. The vehicle agents aid in preparing cosmetics, while the active agents play an active role and decide the final product's effect on your skin. It is the job of cosmetic chemists to strike the right combination of these agents and prepare cosmetics to satisfy you the customer.

Some agents are found in most of the cosmetics. Water is a good example. But, it is the duty of cosmetic producers to use only safe, distilled, filtered and sterilized water, Due to its ability to flow, water is used in lotions and creams as a spreading agent. It is also a natural choice in moisturizers too.

* Surfactants comprise a product category that performs various functions. Sometimes, they are used in cleansers, body washes, and even shampoos. They perform the role of emulsifiers in creams and lotions. They are also are used as solubilisers to dissolve oils in water-based cosmetics.

* Emulsifiers are another important category of ingredients in cosmetics. Their primary function is to enable water and oil-soluble substances to mix evenly. Uniformity of ingredients is essential in cosmetics so that they spread evenly and serve their purpose. Lecithin is one of the popular emulsifiers.

* Emollients refer to the large molecules of chemicals that collectively prevent water loss from your skin, thereby preventing it from becoming dry and dull. This property of emollients makes them a main ingredient in moisturizers since the purpose of these cosmetics is to make your skin appear soft and smooth. Moisturizers generally include fatty esters which are essential to replace as you age and natural esters are depleted.

These various categories of cosmetics should help you better understand the concept of cosmoceuticals. This new field has developed some products that will help you find effective solutions to problems like dark circles under your eyes, puffiness, wrinkles, and eye strain.

Cosmoceuticals is a new trend in the field of cosmetics. You can find a wide range of products in cosmoceuticals from which you can choose those that will soothe you and heal many of your topical skin problems. This is an ever-growing field and new developments occur every day.

Cosmoceuticals, in the long run, can encourage us to begin to see and realize that nature, helped along by science, can be a good soother and healer. Mere medical procedures cannot be always accurate and effective. The same is of course true of nature, but in combination their potential is limitless.

Nature alone can be unpredictable. Science and nature individually are limited. Individually, their side-effects often can cause more harm than the actual ailment. Together, science and nature can create exciting products.

Accordingly, cosmoceuticals today are helping address unslighty problems associated with natural aging. Products like Lumnaderm(TM) focus on harmless but unsightly age spots, liver spots, and sun spots; while Eyederma(TM) deals with dark circles under your eyes. Dark circles on the skin and under the eyes, in some cases, are an indication of more serious problems and they should be examined by a doctor. However, for the overwhelming majority of people, they are problems that can be addressed with cosmoceuticals like Lumnaderm(TM) and Eyederma(TM).

The well regarded cosmoceutical Eyederma(tm) boasts rich ingredients that targets a nagging problem of many people as they age -- dark circles under their eyes. It is not within the scope of this article to discuss all the reasons people tend to have dark circles under their eyes as they age. However, the Eyederma(tm) product makes our general point. It illustrates how a common problem like dark circles and patches under your eyes can be minimized without expensive surgery.

Imagine the promise of this type of cosmoceutical. A product like this could save you thousands of dollars in hospital costs, lost wages, and recovery time (not to mention risk) if you experience dark circles under your eyes.

Think about it, other options like plastic surgery are more dangerous and costly. The Eyederma(tm) cosmoceutical example certainly seems like a worthwhile consideration and maybe investment for those whose who are concerned about a more vibrant youthful appearance. Both the Lumnaderm(tm) and Eyederma(tm) products are distributed by major retailers and established online stores like and the (

Cosmoceuticals may be the long-awaited merger of medicine and cosmetics. It has certainly become the buzzword in the cosmetic industry today. For all of you who are concerned with your appearance, cosmoceuticals may just be a timely and welcome merger of science and nature!

Written by the V-Team, courtesy Kamau Austin, publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips about reducing dark cycle around the eyes with Eyedermaat Blog90161
Berri Blog75189

Raleigh Schools Can You Hear Me Now?

Raleigh Schools have been trying all sorts of initiatives and programs to bring the district up to No Child Left Behind requirements. Charter caps, the achievement gap and school choices are all hotly debated as Raleigh Schools look for roads toward improvement. But until now, no one had asked, Can you hear me now?

Well, that tagline belongs to Verizon. But its QUALCOMM Incorporated and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction who have teamed up to create Project K-nect. Students in Raleigh Schools, and the rest of North Carolina, may be eligible for a mobile education pilot project this coming school year. QUALCOMM, a lead developer of wireless technologies, will provide high school students with Smartphones that will be used to deliver educational information. The Smartphones program is part of a $1 million grant provided by QUALCOMMs Wireless Reach Initiative.

Project K-nect has three goals:

1. To increase state assessment scores and classroom performance in math
2. To better engage children who struggle with math
3. To narrow the digital gap by providing supplemental learning opportunities through the use of the mobile Smartphone.

QUALCOMM will provide the Smartphones free of charge to selected ninth graders in Raleigh Schools and other North Carolina Districts. To be eligible students in Raleigh Schools must have below average math grades, qualify for free or reduced lunch, and have limited home access to the internet. Safeguards are in place to ensure that approved participants and teachers only use the phones. Student from Raleigh Schools may complete a grant application for one of the 250 openings.

Administrators of Raleigh Schools are hopeful that the added tutoring that will be available to the students through their phones will help some at-risk students achieve higher math grades and test scores. Corporate sponsors like QUALCOMM, Microsoft and the Carnegie Fund, are showing up in public school initiatives across the nation. While districts like the Raleigh Schools are strapped for funds to meet classroom ratios and provide needed remedial help to at-risk students, deep-pocketed corporations are showing more commitment to education than ever before.

The Raleigh Schools also elicit school choice through publicly funded, but privately run charter schools; as another way to help bridge the achievement gap between minority and white students. But the failure of some charters to prove their success, along with the North Carolina charter cap, means that option is limited for students in Raleigh Schools. There is also complaint that the charters of Raleigh Schools dont achieve a reasonable racial balance. Struggles like this are why Raleigh Schools gratefully accept corporate sponsors, and have high hope for the outcomes of initiatives like Project K-nect.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Maria Blog20405
Atlante Blog24565

Financial Concerns And Your Health

You're losing sleep. You can't eat, or maybe you're eating too much. Your relationships, both personal and professional are suffering because you're moody and/or depressed. Simply stated, my friend, if you're in debt and finding it difficult to pay your bills each month, there's a very good chance you may be suffering from chronic stress due to your financial worries. Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and several other health problems.

All of the concern, worry, lost sleep and potential health problems just aren't worth it. It's time to take a serious look at what your options are to get out of debt once and for all.

There's a good chance that you've considered a loan to consolidate your credit card debt. While debt consolidation is certainly an option for many people, it's important to remember that you will still owe 100% of the money you've borrowed. Instead of paying several creditors each month, youll instead make one large monthly payment. When applying for a debt consolidation loan, it's quite likely that the creditor considering lending you the money will request some type of collateral, usually the equity in your home. As stated earlier, you'll still be in debt, but if you're absolutely certain you can easily make your new monthly payment, and there's no chance of a reduction in income in the foreseeable future, this may be the way to go. Use caution, however, and confirm that the interest rate is fixed and not variable; the last thing you want is a sudden increase in the payment amount, as this could put you right back to where you were when your debt consolidation loan was originated. And finally, a few more words of caution regarding debt consolidation: Cut up your credit cards! You may say "I'll never be in debt again," yet so many people find that they end up owing credit card companies all over again, as well as the creditor holding the mortgage for the debt consolidation loan. If you must, keep one credit card for emergency use only.

It's unfortunate, but many people have no alternative; they must file personal bankruptcy. You may be one of those people, but if there's another avenue open to you, consider taking it and avoid a bankruptcy filing. Just as many people find that they have no choice other than to file bankruptcy, still others have found that they don't qualify for Chapter 7 status (whereby the debtor receives a discharge of all dischargeable debts) due to the new bankruptcy law that went into effect in October 2005. In order to qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy under the new law, your income must not exceed your state's median income level. Also, if you're able to pay back a minimum of $100 per month toward your overall debt, you will not qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. You will instead need to file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, whereby you'll re-pay a portion of what is owed over a five-year period. It's also crucial to understand that a bankruptcy filing is public record, so everybody and anybody has access to this information. Bankruptcy also stays on your credit report for 7-10 years, another fact you may want to take into consideration while contemplating this option.

If neither of the aforementioned options are available to you, debt settlement may be a viable alternative. Debt settlement is a process by which the amount of money you owe is negotiated with your various creditors, potentially reducing your debt by 30%-70%. Unlike, bankruptcy, debt settlement is not a matter of public record, so you're able to maintain your privacy. Also unlike bankruptcy and debt consolidation, if you should decide to enter a debt settlement program, chances are you'll be debt-free in two or three years, and very possibly even sooner.

Finally, put your money worries behind you. No matter what avenue you choose, it's time to be stress-free and start enjoying life again. Most people, at some point in their lives, face financial challenges. These challenges, however, are not worth bad health and ruined relationships. It's likely that once you decide to tackle your finances you'll find your level of stress will drop significantly and you'll have the energy and enthusiasm for life you so desire.

Susan Megge is a consultant in the credit services industry. Over the past several years she has assisted many individuals in resolving their debt-related matters. For more information regarding credit and debt visit http://www.donaldsonwilliams.comBiddie Blog86758
Camala Blog71659

Fix Computer Problems In A Jiffy With Rollback Rx

Rollback Rx system restore software is mandatory for every computer user to ensure system security and data loss prevention. More so in educational institutions dependent on PCs for their routine work, where a rollback tool is essential since most are multi user systems. PC restore is a regular operation that has to be done, to preserve data and to repair computer problems that might arise from misuse of computers. This can happen in many ways, but can be totally avoided with a disaster recovery solution like Rollback Rx.

Areas Where Rollback Rx Can Repair Computer Issues

In colleges and universities where several people use the same computer, students store their academic work in the form of reports, software programs, etc in various folders. Because many people use the same system, the necessity to fix computer problems arises when certain files or folders become deleted or moved. This could very well cause problems. With Rollback Rx, PC restore can be done easily to a secure state, to keep the operating system and other data intact.

Unauthorized Downloads Can Be Fixed With Rollback Rx

There is a tendency to download free programs that appear useful, little knowing that it can lead to security issues and computer repair. Viruses and spyware get into the system and crash the entire network. In such situations, Rollback Rx helps retrieve important data while removing all these unwanted elements from the pc network when a system restore is performed, preventing permanent damage and exorbitant costs.

Just imagine having the hard drive being deleted by a click of the mouse. When students handle computers, they are usually curious and tend to tinker around with settings and end up, sometimes unintentionally creating computer repair, putting the computers security at risk. When Rollback Rx is installed on the pc, it can be scheduled to take snapshots at specific intervals so that fixing computer problems becomes a quick task instead of creating several hours of downtime and data loss. This would avoid serious issues like certain scheduled activities being deactivated, antivirus programs being over-ridden or firewalls turned off, exposing the network to sabotage and other malware. With Rollback Rx, this sort of problem can be avoided and rectified easily, because it helps rollback the systems to a configuration that is suitable.

Rollback Rx system restore software is like a guardian for the PC network, avoiding computer repair and disaster through program failure or operating system malfunction. It keeps the system healthy and the user happy. While very simple to use, Rollback Rx has the options of selectively allowing only certain people to access it, thereby making it ideal where multi-user systems exist.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Aubrie Blog23503
Cassandry Blog91750

Tips For A Successful Family Vacation

When the whole family travel together it can be a memo for life. Are you planning a family vacation? Planning is a very important ingredient for a successful vacation. Therefore be prepared for some extra effort on your part to get it properly planned. You are probably busy, working day and night. To get your family vacation planned properly you would have put off the vacation for quite a few months because you need to allot plenty of time to plan it. Do not go into the trap of underestimating the time it takes. Planning a family holiday can be a really fun and enjoyable activity; especially if you involve all the your loved ones.

Both big and small kids will surely appreciate being included in the planning of the family vacation and you should include each and every member of the family in the vacation planning stage. If you start up with a simple brainstorming session, many ideas for places to go will be thrown in . One of the most fundamental questions is whether to purchase a family vacation package or go by your own? Another major question is where you and your loved ones actually want to go? Can you work out an agreement?

Smoky Mountains

If you love the mountain you can go to the Great Smoky Mountains? Most people - families included - will love Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. Cherokee, North Carolina isn't far from the park in Gatlinburg which offers the non-stop casino action of Harrah's Cherokee Smoky Mountain Casino. By taking a little time for searching, you may select an area where there are many activities for the children so that they enjoy it much. Fortunately, there are lots of activities for children to do in the Cherokee area that can enable mom and dad some grown-up time in the casino. Teenagers love the extensive white water rafting and tubing in and around Cherokee.

Pigeon Forge is a place in the smoky mountains you may select for fun. A few days in Gatlinburg and a day to go to Cherokee and Maggie Valley could be a good plan. If you haven't visited this area before, there's a lot to see and a lot to do. Like for instance Dollywood and Dixie Stampede will keep children and teens thrilled in Pigeon Forge while the shopping in Sevierville and Pigeon Forge will thrill mom while dad finds the golf courses to enthuse his golfing ambitions! There's really something for the family in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.

Family Vacation On the Beach

If you and your family prefer the beach you will not find it difficult to plan a family vacations. Fortunately, there are so many to choose from in the US and tt is hard to single out just one. If you are starters, there are the gorgeous beaches of Florida. IOn the gulf side, no other beach is as beautiful as the beaches on St.George Island. Even before the hurricanes inflicted damage on the beaches of Destin and the surrounding areas, the best kept Florida gulf secrets were savored in St.George Island. Then the hurricanes came and over the last couple of years they knocked Destin for a loop. Hurricane Katrina didn't take a direct hit in Destin but smaller storms have certainly deteriorated some of the most gorgeous areas of Destin. Now, most beach lovers search the beaches of St. George Island. The lovely homes and houses there as well as the lovely white sands of the beach are a favorite for any family. The climate allows you to go there any time of the year.

Two beaches; Daytona and Melbourne Beach on the East Coast of Florida are still favorites among families who have surfers to consider. The activities and fun offered by these beaches are so many that you will find it hard to leave. It is so enjoyable, that you might even skip your dinner for wanting to spend time in the beach. If you travel to Melbourne, watch out for the local fishermen who like to fish from the sandy beaches in front of the local hotels and you can count on numerous small sharks swarming when these guys start fishing in the area. So get ready to surf in this area as it is a great experience that you hardly will forget.

It is not only Florida who has beaches in the USA. There is something called the west coast and California - also known as 'The Sunshine State". And here are many excellent beaches. For example Malibu Beach in LA is still the beach you must see when your travel company takes you to California. Family vacations in California is an excitement for almost everyone. Another favorite in California is Disneyland. Most families love all of the recent additions to the original Disney Theme park! Both adults and kids will enjoy is the Universal Studios. And why not take a trip to the Magic Mountain amusement park with one of the craziest roller coasters in the world?.

With the use of the internet it is going to be easy to plan any vacation for you family. Literally everything about a vacation is in your fingertips! It is really a fun to put your heads together staring at the monitor to plan a vacation for you family. Start now!

Robert Alderton is a writer and internet publisher who enjoys to publish quality information about family vacation and travel. Read more at http://www.Vacation4Family.comAnnnora Blog70742
Alena Blog32676

The Ins And Outs Of Experiential Learning

What is Experiential Learning?

As it's name suggests, Experiential Learning could be most simply understood as learning by doing. Experiential Learning is often associated with contructivist learning theory.

Why is Experiential Learning useful?

The old adage of 'nothing beats some hands on experience' applies here. Through putting students in situations to build real world experiences, experiences that have both benefits and consequences, students are able to put their learnings into practice. Experiential Learning encourages students to make discoveries and experiment with knowledge themselves, instead of hearing or reading about the experiences of others. Think about when you were studying to be a teacher, if you were anything like me, then the most valuable time spent during your university/college education was the time spent on teaching rounds.

How could I incorporate Experiential Learning in the classroom?

Chances are if you've read through the what and why of Experiential Learning then you will already have formed some ideas about how best to incorporate this learning style in your own classroom. In the beginning stages of Experiential Learning, and depending on the age of your students, it is perhaps best to use things such as role plays, games and simulations of real life situations. Anything that will bring the subject your teaching out of the text book and into the 'real world' of your students. It may require you, as the teacher, to rethink the way you lead your class, leading to a more dynamic learning environment.

If students are a little older Experiential Learning can move outside of the classroom. Longer terms projects that involve numerous elements both in and out of the classroom can work well, depending on the class. Preparing a school magazine is a prime example. Keep it interesting, but keep in grounded in the subject your leading.

What are the benefits of Experiential Learning?

The benefits for the students are obvious. Experiential Learning encourages students to think more freely about how their actions and knowledge can impact upon real world scenarios.

I would argue that the key feature of Experiential Learning is the way in which it asks you, as the teacher, to change the way you view the classroom. It forces your teaching to become more dynamic and active as you, in effect, learn with your students, reviewing what works and what doesn't, and all the while improving. It helps prevent your teaching style from growing stale, and that can only be a good thing for everyone.

Tyler Bellamy aka. 'The Principal' is the webmaster for a website providing a range of informative resources for teachers and education professionals. Join the free teaching forum at Blog61336
Celia Blog44648

Choosing The Right Carpet Padding

If you are having your carpets replaced you will be in the position to choose a new carpet pad as well. Read this article for some information that should help you make this decision. Hopefully it will make your decision easier.

The first thing you will have to decide is what kind of pad you want. The most common type of padding is rebond which is made of recycled material. Besides rebond there is also prime pad which is made of all new materials and several specialty pads that offer resistance to staining and odor. In most cases it is not worth the expense of upgrading to a pad other than rebond so that is normally your best choice. After you have selected the type of pad you will be using you will have to choose the thickness. The most common density is probably 3/8 of an inch and will suit most people just fine. If you want something more plush you might want to upgrade to a thicker pad. I would not suggest using a thinner pad than 3/8 because it will be very hard to step and walk on. Your last choice in pad is density given in terms of pounds. The most common is 6 pound pad which is fine for most people. The denser it is though the longer it will last so you might consider upgrading to an 8 pound pad. That is about all there is to choosing a pad. Basically if you are not picky a 6 pound, 3/8 inch rebond pad is a good all around choice. You can go up or down from there if you want a cheaper pad or a more comforatable one.

I hope this article has given you some insight into the world of carpet pads. It is not the biggest choice you will make when it comes to flooring but it is important. Good luck with whatever decision you make.

James CarlsonArluene Blog58225
Barbabra Blog29307

Plan Ahead For A Fun Filled Family Camping Experience

Plan Ahead for a Fun-filled Family Camping Experience

Camping means different things to different people. For some, it is going out with a camper and practically all of the comforts of home. For others, it is backpacking into the mountains and sleeping in the open elements with nothing over your head but the stars. It could even mean foraging for your food (hopefully you'll come across a good trout stream!). My definition of camping falls on the more comfortable side of the two, loving the camping experience, but needing to have some basic comforts also.This article will give you a few tips that you can use no matter what kind of camping you enjoy!

Starting With A Plan

A great camping trip starts with a great plan! Planning out your camping trip will help you be prepared and build excitement way before time to head to the hills (or the beach!). Make sure that you include the whole family and let everyone have a part in deciding what you'll need to bring to make this a great adventure and a pleasurable experience. Camping with your family is a great way to build a closer relationship between parents and kids. Good quality time spent without the distraction of the TV, computer and video games can make for some great memories and shared experiences that will be remembered for years to come. You'll experience quality time for everyone involved.

Deciding Where To Camp

One of the first things you will want to decide is where you are going to camp. Do you prefer "roughing it"? This means no electrical hookups, no camp host or camp store, and bathroom facilities means "the woods"! For most campers, I would recommend an established campground. State Parks provide some of the best campgrounds available and they are usually very well maintained and reasonably priced. You will have the security of knowing that they have done their best to keep the area maintained and as safe as possible. In choosing the campground, you will also want to look into what kind of activities, if any, they offer or are offered in the nearby vicinity. I would recommend you pick up a good campground directory such as Woodalls campground guide and directory to help you decide where to camp.

Selecting Your Gear

Once you've found the perfect location, you will then want to begin to plan what to take with you. Will you be camping in a tent, "pop-up" type trailer or possibly an RV? Shop around; see what is offered and what will work the best for you and your family. Be sure you include everyone in this decision. It makes for some great excitement and will have everyone looking forward to the first time you try out that new tent or camper. Also, if everyone has a part in this decision it limits the number of complaints that you may hear about later on! Do you plan on using a sleeping bag? Remember that an adult size sleeping bag, does not necessarily mean one size fits all! If you will be tent camping, another thing to consider is having a mattresses or foam padding under the sleeping bags. Foam padding usually folds up to a compact size and is much easier on the back than sleeping right on the floor of the tent. It just might be worth the extra trouble to pack it along to insure a good nights sleep! I would also recommend a large battery operated lamp for your tent. Another great idea is for everyone to have their own flashlight, in case any get separated from other members of the family during trips to and from the bathroom facilities (or woods!).

Use A Camping Checklist

A camping check list makes every trip much more enjoyable in several ways. First, the whole family gets involved together in creating your camping check list. Making out your check list long before the trip is kind of like starting your vacation early. It builds up the excitement and anticipation when everyone begins to think of items they want and need to bring. Second, check lists help you organize and pack your camping gear. The check list reminds you what to bring, and where to pack it. Third, check lists help you remember to take everything with you. No one likes to get to camp and find out they forgot some important item (even though you will probably will forget something!). Fourth, check lists help you remember what NOT to bring next time. This is important, because each trip is a little different, so make notes on your check list about what camping gear you used, what you didn't and what you wish you had taken. This lets you plan to make your next camping trip even better.

Planning Out Your Meals

Food is another important factor. You need to consider what you will be taking for food and what you will need in way of storage for it, such as an ice chest, etc. Most camping areas have a cooking area. Do you want to bring your own grill or use the outside cookers which may mean waiting your turn? Don't forget to take the can opener if the food that you are taking with you will require one. Don't forget cooking and eating utensils. Remember, you don't have to wash paper plates and plastic cups! If you decide to use these type items be sure you dispose of them properly and don't leave your trash for someone else to pick up! Meals that can be cooked at home ahead of time, and travel well in a cooler, will save a lot of time especially on the first night of your trip. Precooked meats will last longer in the cooler than raw meats, especially if you use block ice in your cooler. It will last much longer than cubes. If you're an ice cream lover, nothing is better than home made ice cream on a camping trip. Depending on where you'll be camping, you can bring along your electric ice cream maker or your "old fashioned" hand crank ice cream churn. Of course you'll want to make sure you have access to a local store that has ice! If you're in an area inhabited by bears, special precautions must be taken with both your food and garbage. if you're in an established campground, place your food in the special bear-proof receptacles at night. If you leave food in your vehicle, a hungry bear will find a way to get inside it, and he doesn't care what kind of damage he does to your vehicle! It's always a good idea to talk with the local Park Ranger about wildlife in your campground area.

What About Your Drinking Water?

The water around organized campgrounds is probably safe. Their water is usually privately treated or it is supplied by a near by city treatment plant. The water from lakes, springs, rivers and streams however, is untreated and can carry a lot of bacteria, viruses, and other things that can cause illness. Water that runs rapidly over gravel, rocks, and plant life appears clean and limpid, but this is no guarantee it is safe for you. Your best bet to ensure you and your family's safety is to always treat any water obtained from unfamiliar sources, such as all the sources mentioned above. It is not that hard to do and it takes so little time. There are many different ways to treat water, but boiling water is probably the most common method used. It is best to boil it for more than 10 minutes at a steady boil. If you are camping in a wilderness type area where treated water is not available, then be sure to bring your own. Don't forget to add that to your checklist!

Clothing Considerations

Bring extra clothing along. If the weather is different than you had planned on, then you'll be glad you did. Don't forget a first aid kit for any unfortunate minor injuries. Bring activities that can be enjoyed inside the tent as well as those for outside, such as books, games, etc., in case inclement weather makes you want to be inside. Plan for everything that could go wrong, and then be grateful and glad when all goes well. And finally, one last important item.....a camera to capture those memories!

Make it a family adventure that all will enjoy and possibly want to repeat another time. Above all, have a fun-filled family camping experience!

The Author loves spending time camping in the Florida panhandle and the North Georgia Mountains. Trout fishing and photography rate very high on this authors list. Please visit my website: http://www.mycampstore.comAprilette Blog32710
Anita Blog85039

Chiropractic Is Responsable For The Rebirth Of Homeopathy In America

The history of homeopathy begins with the discoveries of its founder Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician. Hahnemann's first comments about the general applicability of the law of similars came in 1789.

Maybe the most prevalent reason that allopaths disliked homeopaths and homeopathy was expressed at a 1903 AMA (American Medical Association) meeting by a distinguished orthodox physician. "We must," he said, "admit that we never fought the homeopath on matters of principle; we fought him because he came into the community and got the business." Most physicians, even now, will not admit that economic factors play a chief role in what is practiced and what is allowed to be practiced. It only makes sense then that Hahnemann's principles constituted a philosophical, clinical, and economic threat to orthodox medicine.

The growing popularity of homeopathy in the United States started shortly after Hans Gram, a Danish homeopath, emigrated in the US in 1825.

The first homeopathic school in the US, the North American Academy of the Homoeopathic Healing Art, was founded in Allentown, PA, 1836 , by Dr. W. Wesselhoeft (1794-1858) .

Dr. von Lippe emigrating to the United States in 1839. He presented himself to the sole school of the homeopathic practice in this country - the old Allentown Academy of the Homoeopathic Healing Art. After assiduous application he was granted his diploma from

Dr. Constantine Hering (1800-1880), as President of the institution, on July 27, 1841. Dr. von Lippe filled the chair of materia medica in the Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania from 1863 to 1868 .

In 1844 they organized the American Institute of Homeopathy, which became America's first national medical society. In response to the growth of homeopaths, in 1846 an opposing medical group formed, which then vowed to slow the development of homeopathy. This organization called itself the AMA or American Medical Association.

Shortly after the formation of the AMA it was decided to eliminate all the local medical societies of physicians who were homeopaths.

In 1848, the Homeopathic College of Pennsylvania was established by Constantine Hering, Jacob Jeanes and Walter Williamson, to provide training in what was then an emerging system of medicine called homeopathy. In 1869, the Homeopathic College was renamed in honor of Samuel Hahnemann, one of the pioneers of homeopathic medicine, as Hahnemann Medical College. In 1982, Hahnemann Medical College gained university status as Hahnemann University. In 2002, the Drexel University board of trustees voted unanimously in favor of merging Hahnemann University into Drexel .

In 1849, the AMA established a board to analyze quack remedies and nostrums and to enlighten the public about the nature and dangers of such remedies.

In 1855, the AMA put into effect a "consultation clause" in their code of ethics which spelled out that orthodox physicians would lose their membership in the AMA if they even only consulted with a homeopath or any other "unorthodox" practitioner. This of course meant that if a physician lost membership in the AMA, that in some states he no longer had a license to practice medicine. The AMA did everything possible to eradicate homeopaths from the practice of medicine, and the effects of these actions are still felt today.

1875 marked the year Michigan legislature voted to give money to a new hospital as long two homeopathic professors were allowed to teach at the University of Michigan.

In a 1890 Harpers Magazine article Mark Twain mentioned the great value of homeopathy: "The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. Good old Mark also proclaimed "that you may honestly feel grateful that the homeopath survived attempts of the allopathists to destroy it."

By the early 1900s, there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, over 60 orphan asylums and old people's homes and more than 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies in the United States.

In 1910, the Carnegie Foundation issued the infamous Flexner Report, an evaluation of American medical schools headed by Mr. Abraham Flexner and of course in cooperation with leading members of the AMA. While pretending to at least be somewhat objective, Flexner in his report established guidelines to endorse orthodox medical schools and condemn homeopathic ones. The report gave the most credits to medical schools with a full time teaching faculty and institutions that taught a pathological and physiochemical analysis of the human body. Homeopathic colleges did not get as high credits because there preference of employing professors who were not only teachers or researchers but also in clinical practice. Even though homeopathic schools included many basic science courses, they offered courses in pharmacology, which the Flexner report found to be a waist of time.

By 1906, the AMAs Council on Medical Education had created a list of unacceptable schools that in 1910, and closed hundreds of private medical and homeopathic schools and named Johns Hopkins as the model school. As you might have guessed, homeopathic colleges, in general, were given poorer ratings by Mr. Flexner's report. One of the implications of the report was that only graduates of schools that received a high rating were permitted to take the medical licensing exams. In 1900 there were 22 homeopathic colleges, by 1923 only two remained.

Between 1930 and 1975 it seemed that the AMA's oppression of homeopathy was complete. By 1950 all homeopathic colleges in the U.S were either closed or ceased to teach homeopathy. There were only 50 to 150 practicing homeopaths in the country, and most of them were over 50 years old.

A chiropractor, Dr. John Bartholomew Bastyr, N.D., D.C (1912-1995), was a third-generation homeopath from Dr. Adolph von Lippe. His teacher was Dr. C. P. Bryant (who had been, in 1939, president of the International Hahnemannian Association). C. P. Bryant had been taught by Walter Bushrod James who had been one of Lippes closest students. He received doctorate degrees in naturopathy and chiropractic from Northwest Drugless Institute and Seattle Chiropractic College, respectively. He became licensed to practice naturopathic medicine in 1936. He is also credited with being the Father of Modern Naturopathic Medicine. Because of Bastyrs influence naturopaths have been at the forefront of the rebirth of homeopathy in this country. He made sure that homeopathy shared equal emphasis with nutrition, hydrotherapy and botanical medicine in naturopathic education. Dr. Bastyr considered manipulation the most important therapy in his practice.

"Bastyr's conversion to homeopathy was an important move for the modern naturopathic profession. Homeopathy had been part of naturopathic medicine for decades, but its role had been much more peripheral. The majority of practitioners had not received such intensive, classical instruction as Bastyr. In the 1950's when Bastyr became involved in establishing and teaching a naturopathic curriculum at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, his balanced emphasis of homeopathy as a therapeutic modality coequal with nutrition, hydrotherapy and botanical medicine assured its place in the ongoing development of naturopathic science."

-Kirshfeld and Boyle, Nature Doctors, Buckeye Naturopathic Press, 1994

Naturopathy, which combined nature cure with homeopathy, massage, spinal manipulation, and therapeutic electricity, was developed in America largely through the work of Benedict Lust (pronounced loost; 1872-1945). From 1900-1938, naturopathic medicine flourished in America. Interest then declined, due to the emergence of miracle medicine, surgical advances during WWII, and the growing political sophistication of the American Medical Association (AMA). Chiropractic and naturopathy were taught together until about 1955 when the National Chiropractic Association stopped granting accreditation to schools that also taught naturopathy. In 1956, doctors founded the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in an attempt to keep the profession alive.

Dr. John Bastyr served as executive director. A chiropractor, naturopath and obstetrician, he began his practice in Seattle in the depths of the Great Depression; Bastyr was so revered as a physician and teacher that the Naturopathic College in Seattle was named in his honor. The key to Bastyrs legendary clinical successes lay in his basic philosophy. In a 1985 interview, asked to distinguish between naturopathy and conventional medicine, he said, The basic difference is that in naturopathy its not the doctor who does the curing, its the patient.

In 1978, after twenty years with only one legitimate college graduating naturopathic physicians (National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, OR), the first new naturopathic medical school, Bastyr University, was opened in Seattle, WA. In 1987, Bastyr University became the first naturopathic college to become accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education, which is the federally recognized accrediting agency for naturopathic medical colleges.

There are four recognized naturopathic medical colleges in the United States today: Bastyr University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, and University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. There is also one in Canada, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Naturopathic medical training begins with a conventional premedical education. The student progresses to a four-year, scientificallybased medical school program. The first two years concentrate on standard medical school sciences such as anatomy, physiology, chemistry, etc. The second two years are oriented toward the clinical sciences, diagnosis and treatment. Standard medical techniques are taught along with mainstay naturopathic medical therapies. The end product of a naturopathic medical school program is a well-rounded family care physician that specializes in such therapies as: nutrition, botanical medicines, and homeopathy.

The Council on Homeopathic Education is the only organization that accredits training programs in classical homeopathy. To date, it has accredited five institutions: Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences in Seattle; College of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada, Hahnemann Medical Clinic in Albany, California; the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, and the International Foundation for Homeopathy, also in Seattle. Notice that three of those are actually naturopathic schools fonded by chiropractors.

Brian Inglis (1916-1993), a distinguished British historian, commentator, and author of a two-volume work, The History Of Medicine, has declared: the rise of Chiropractichas been one of the most remarkable social phenomena in American Historyyet it has gone virtually unexplored (Inglis, THE CASE FOR UNORTHODOX MEDICINE, 1965). He was, at the time, unaware of the profound influence chiropractic would have on modern alternative medicine (CAM) as we know today.

Not only did chiropractic saved both the naturopathic and homeopathic professions from extinction in the United States, but it also brougth solid academic grounds for their development towards well recognized health sciences.

Dr Sylvain Desforges, B.Sc., D.C., D.O., N.D. :

Dr. Sylvain Desforges is a doctor of chiropractic, osteopathy and naturopathy.Alisun Blog80285
Aurilia Blog16083

Preventing Identity Theft : What Can You Do?

Identity theft is becoming an increasingly used buzzword in today's high tech world of online banking and bill paying, and with the advent of services like Paypal and shopping cart.

We hear about identity theft in the news all the time, and we think we very well may be at risk, but we're not sure what to do to help prevent it. Well, there are some things you can do that are very simple that will help prevent you from ever becoming a victim of this potentially disastrous crime.

Unfortunately, even though identity theft is a federal crime, that still doesn't scare theives away from bilking millions of dollars of year from unsuspecting, hard working people like you and I. It's not something that any of us want to deal with, but it is prudent to exercise caution whenever possible to reduce your risk.

At this point, we may all have a story about a friend, acquaintance, or family member who was an unwitting victim of some form of identity theft, and the good thing is, these bring the reality closer to home, and have made more people aware that is a growing problem. There are a few types of identity theft, and I'm sure there are even more than I am listing here that not a whole lot of people are aware of.

The types of identity theft are :

1.) When one's personal information is stolen from their person, such as a wallet with credit cards and other identity revealing financially negotiable instruments.

2.) Something called "phishing" where bogus emails are sent from a scam artist claiming to be a bank or some other type of financial institution, claiming they need you to "sign in" and provide personal information that can allow them to filter money from your account, or charge purchases to a credit card.

3.) Mail related identity theft is where a thief can either intercept your mail and get your personal information or even fill out a change of address form for you so they may receive your mail and do with it what they please.

4.) Internet fraud through unsecured websites when you provide credit card or personal information, a thief may be able to hack sites that are not secured and gain your personal information, or even infect your computer with a virus which hijacks personal information.

Like I said, the four mentioned above are probably not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to identity theft, but they are the main categories of ways that these savvy and increasingly sophisticated scam artists are getting away with stealing money from people. So, what can you do to help prevent being a victim of these types of identity theft? Well, the good thing is, there are several ways you can help reduce your risk.

First and foremost, make sure you do not ever respond to an email that is requesting you to log in somewhere to verify your information, even if it appears to be from a company you do business with on a regular basis. Spammers skilled in the art of "phishing" are very adept at making these emails look like the real deal, and unfortunately many people have been duped into disclosing important personal information.

What you can do to help combat this problem is visit the company's offical website on your own, not through any links in the email of course, and report this suspicious email to them. Most large companies have measures in place to protect their clients, and they want to be aware of any bogus emails going out to people with their trusted name attached.

There are also large efforts in the making to prevent these types of emails from coming through to your email inbox, and instead going to your spam bulk file, making them more idenitfiable as a potential security threat, and also reducing the likelihood that one will be defrauded by them.

I saw an improvement in this, but just recently, my inbox has been indundated with spam emails requesting personal information, so it seems the scam artists have found a loophole and are taking advantage, although it may not last long.

Another important prevention measure is to not only be aware of bogus emails, but also to make sure any website that asks for credit card information for a purchase has a security seal of approval. These secured sites usually will have some sort of symbol that they are secured by Verisign or another online security system that signifies it should be safe to pay with. If the site looks fishy, stay clear.

Whenever you receive mail that has credit card information, or is a solicitation for a credit card offer, make sure you tear it up into pieces. Another scam to gain access to your credit or accounts is for thieves to go through your garbage and fill out your credit card offers with a change of address, get the new credit card mailed to them, and start using it to make purchases. Also, it is wise to always have up to date virus protection on your computer, as some viruses are designed to hijack your personal and credit information.

When making purchases with credit or debit cards in any retail establishments, if your credit card number prints on the receipt that they keep, ask to scribble out the whole thing.

Workers or other people may have access to your credit card information, or have just enough information to make online or over the phone purchases with your credit, and this is yet another way your identity can be stolen for the financial benefit of thieves.

While this list of measure you can take to help prevent identity theft is not all inclusive, it is a good start to ensuring your security and making sure your hard earned money stays in your pocket only. They are good principles to live by in this day and age of online banking and financing.

Danna Schneider is the founder of for information on low interest credit cards, loans and mortgages, as well as financial news and personal finance tips. She also manages an online entertainment magazine .Cassandre Blog66160
Ashli Blog48834

Credit Card Fee Increases

This month on our two credit card statements are notices informing us that as of Oct. 1st we may be charged "more than two" late fees or over the limit fees" per month. What's going on?

It's estimated that Americans charged $1.8 trillion in 2005 on the 690 million credit cards outstanding. According to a Government Accountability Office study released in September, 2006, 13% of credit card users were assessed over-limit fees and 35% were assessed late fees in 2005. So Gwen has a lot of company.

Let's try to do three things. First, understand what these fees are. Next, see how fees are changing. And, finally, what Gwen can do to keep from being hurt.

Credit cards have always had fees. Some, like for a late payment, are understandable. Others came along as credit cards took on new capabilities. Think cash advance and balance transfer fees. Still others, like over-limit fees, seem like they shouldn't be possible. You would think that they wouldn't allow you to borrow more than your limit.

There are also 'penalty interest rates'. If you're late with a payment or go over your credit limit you could see your rate bumped to 30% or more.

The 2006 GAO study looked at fees and penalties. It said that not only were fees increasing, but the credit card companies were doing a lousy job of informing consumers about those fees.

The credit card companies are obligated to tell you about any fees or penalties and how they're triggered. Some fees, like paying your credit card bill by phone, are sometimes not clearly disclosed. What Gwen received with her statement was a notice of a change in how fees would be charged. And, as long as she's notified they can get by with almost anything.

Late fees have nearly tripled in the last 11 years. And many cards have adopted a 'universal default clause' that says a late payment on any card will trigger the penalty interest rate.

Credit card companies say that the higher interest rates and fees are appropriate based on risk factors. If it weren't for the higher fees, they claim that they wouldn't be able to offer credit to riskier consumers.

In fairness, the GAO's survey found that (at least among 6 of the largest card issuers) 80% of accounts paid interest rates of less than 20%. So the vast majority of card users are not paying penalty rates.

But the study also found that the disclosures were written well above the eighth grade reading level and (surprise!) featured small print. They recommended that the Federal Reserve Board revise rules on credit card disclosures.

Now that we understand what's going on we can try to help Gwen avoid problems. The first thing is to recognize that the card issuers get to make most of the rules. And, whether those rules are fair or not isn't relevant. The best she can do is to avoid getting hurt by those rules.

Get familiar with each account. The only way to know exactly what's allowed is to read and understand the "Card Member Agreement." Tough duty. But necessary.

Watch out for unexpected fees. Like for balance transfers or increasing your credit limit. Know what could trigger fees or penalty rates.

Know exactly when your payment is due. Keep a list of due dates for your credit card accounts. If you don't get the bill, it's your responsibility to contact the company and still make a timely payment.

If possible, the best thing to do is to join nearly half of the cardholders who paid little or no interest. That's because they do not carry a balance.

Obviously, for many people that's not immediately possible. Then it's important to send in your payment as soon as possible. Being seven days early is better than being one day late.

If you find it difficult to get your payment in on time, you might want to authorize the credit card company to automatically debit your checking account for the minimum payment each month. You'll probably pay for the service, but that way the payment can't be late.

Talk to your card issuer. If your due date falls at a bad time of the month, they'll move it.

If Gwen is near or over the limit on any card, she should try to shift part of the debt to a different card. Some fees are even being assessed when an account is merely getting too close to the limit. Your best bet is to keep balances to less than half the available credit.

Although the higher late fees are infuriating, they do minimal damage. The real problem is in the universal default clause. Most credit card accounts now have a universal default clause.

Suppose your rate went from 15% to 30% on every open credit account. For every $1,000 you owe, an extra $150 interest would be charged each year. So if you're the type of person carrying a $10,000 balance, that one late payment could cost you $1,500 per year. For as long as you have the balance!

Gwen is right to pay close attention to her credit card accounts. With newer fees and penalty rates in place, it becomes more important to manage your credit. In fact, it's critical to your financial wellbeing.

Gary Foreman is a former financial planner who currently edits The Dollar Stretcher website . If you'd like to stretch your day or your dollar visit today! You'll find hundreds of articles to help you "live better...for less".

Gary Foreman is a former financial planner who currently edits The Dollar Stretcher website . If you'd like to stretch your day or your dollar visit today! You'll find hundreds of articles to help you "live better...for less".Bobbee Blog48834
Alison Blog24197

Jobs for U.S. Veterans at Leading Intelligence Service Firm

Leading Intelligence Support Service Firm Seeks to Hire U.S. Veterans

OMNIPLEX World Services Corporation Joins

by Gordon Gates

OMNIPLEX World Services Corporation, a leader and innovator in delivering professional intelligence support services, is reaching out to hire qualified U.S. Veterans. OMNIPLEX provides investigative and physical security services to corporations and government agencies located throughout the world. It is a privately held company based in Chantilly, Virginia, with annual revenues of over $100 million.

OMNIPLEX is also a Top-100, minority-owned firm. It is a ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certified firm. They are one of the fastest-growing minority-owned enterprises in the country, employing more than 3,500 professionals worldwide, each with diverse skills and disciplines supporting our security and investigative services to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies.

History: Growth, Accomplishments

Julien G. Patterson founded OMNIPLEX in August 1990, selecting highly qualified and motivated professionals who shared his values and vision to guide the company into what is today a $100 million-a-year organization that specializes in background investigations and physical security services for the federal government, Fortune 500 companies, and regional business entities. Since our inception, OMNIPLEX has always had a positive cash flow, offered competitive wages, and provided a generous benefits package to our employees. We consider people our most important resource. With more than 3,500 professionals worldwide, we have received numerous awards and were recognized in 2006 as one of Greater Washington, D.C.'s Top 15 "Best Places to Work" by the Washington Business Journal.

The following is a partial alphabetical listing of businesses and government agencies to which OMNIPLEX has provided services:

ISO 9001:2000 Certification
OMNIPLEX is ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certified. The ISO 9001 quality control standard exceeds commercial best practices, is our defacto quality standard, and is an integral part of our operating culture, policies and procedures.

The ISO 9001 standard is an internationally recognized quality management system developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). To be certified, OMNIPLEX instituted a Quality Management System (QMS), with corresponding procedures detailing both the administrative and operational workflow requirements, and the necessary activities to deliver a high level of service to meet customer requirements. The ISO 9001 certification tells our customers that OMNIPLEX operates a QMS in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

"Right People. Right Values." is the company's founding principle and guides every aspect of the business, from the employees they select to the customers and communities they serve and support. Each and every employee is committed to the central tenets of honesty and integrity.
OMNIPLEX also operates OMNISEC International Investigations, Inc., (an OMNIPLEX wholly owned subsidiary). It is one of the largest investigative service contractors in the United States. OMNISEC Investigators perform personnel security background investigations, pre-employment screening and business due-diligence services. We are one of the few companies chosen to perform national-scope background investigations directly for the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and civilian agency components of the U.S. Government. They provide a wide variety of armed and unarmed physical security support services for hundreds of thousands of civilian, military and government personnel.

OMNISEC provides total security solutions including staffing, planning and managing complex and intricate security installations and physical protection in the following settings:

Government facilities
Military operations
Embassy compounds
Manufacturing plants
Industrial settings
Office buildings
And other commercial and government settings
"OMNIPLEX was built upon the belief that there is a moral high ground in business. Our customers know that our mission statement is grounded to that value. Our success is guided by this principle, and it reflects our commitment to quality and continuous improvement and is validated in our client satisfaction ratings and sustained annual growth." Julien Patterson, President and CEO

The OMNIPLEX team is made up of thousands of talented individuals around the world all of them committed to excellence, honesty and integrity. OMNIPLEX is one of the largest and fastest growing minority-owned enterprises in the world, offering a vast array of exciting career opportunities in a wide range of challenging fields.

They offer world class benefits to qualified U.S. Veterans including:

Comprehensive medical/hospitalization/prescription coverage
Comprehenisve dental coverage
Vision Coverage
Basic Life & Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
Cancer insurance (optional)
Intensive Care Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Short and Long Term Disability Insurance
Voluntary Dependent Life Insurance
Accidental Death and Dismemberment and personal accident insurance
401 K plan with matching contributions
Direct payroll deposit
Paid vacations and holidays
Section 125 Pre-tax Premium Conversion Plan
Family Medical Leave
Bereavement Leave
Jury Duty Leave
OMNIPLEX also offers corporate and team activities that enhance camaraderie, fellowship and build teamwork. Additionally, they support employee activities for everything from charitable functions and contributions, to community outreach programs. They encourage their employees to give back to the community and support organizations nationwide. "

Career Advancement Opportunities are Unlimited

Right People. Right Values. is at the core of all that OMNIPLEX does for its' customers and employees. And, equally important, because they believe in promoting from within, OMNIPLEX is an ideal choice for those looking for a career, not just a job.

Their frequent, regular performance reviews, and employee development and incentive programs are all designed to help advance employees' careers. Furthermore, they support employees in their quest for professional advancement, providing training programs, seminars and educational and technical opportunities to help employees get ahead.

View and Apply to OMNIPLEX jobs on

More Jobs from Omniplex

Official OMNIPLEX web site

Gordon Gates is Senior Recruiting Consultant at http://www.HireVeterans.comBari Blog33544
Aubrette Blog78131

Need For Smart Use Of Graphics On Your Website

Pictures are worth thousand words. Use graphics efficiently on your site. Having badly done graphics is bad then not having graphics. Good graphics will have a positive effect on the overall traffic of your site.

The graphics that you use should imply your idea. They should tell what your site is all about. They should be attractive and encourage the visitor to have a complete look at your site. This is a kind of marketing for your services.

The colour , the images on your site gives the visitor an idea of your company. So make sure to use eye pleasing colours and images.

Do not make your website messy with too many images. Add smaller images nad too big or heavy images as this will backfire by making page downloading slow. Too many images also hamper search engine indexing. There should be some content accompanying the graphics. All graphics no content will make the site look bland.

The background colours should be chosen with great care. They can either make or break the attractiveness of your. Good graphics and images will be of no use if the background colour is a total mismatch. Moreover, the background should not hamper the readability of the content. The content should be easily visible.

The knowledge of your target population in addition to the service or products provided will help you in deciding the overall graphics of your site. It is very important to know and understand the purpose of your site.

Try to attack the emotions of your visitors as purchases are based on emotions. The way the image of a product affects the visitor decides if they will buy it or no. the graphics on your website should encourage the visitors to become your customer.

This article has been compiled by the content development team at Pegasus InfoCorp which pulls subject matter specialists from different work domains. They can be contacted through the Pegasus InfoCorp website at Pegasus InfoCorp is an India based web design, web development and online/offline software development company. Please visit to read more articles and know more about us!

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 The article is not changed in any manner

 The article is copied as is in its entirety (including back links to the Pegasus InfoCorp website).

 The company/ organization reprinting the article agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Pegasus InfoCorp, its employees, directors, officers, agents, partners and their successors and assigns from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, caused by or arising out of claims based upon the use of the article, including any claim of libel, defamation, violation of rights of privacy or publicity, loss of service by subscribers and infringement of intellectual property or other rights

Pegasus InfoCorp (P) Limited ( was formed with a single powerful belief among its two founders that the Internet could enhance and transform businesses in an amazing way. This belief continues to drive us towards our mission of helping discover and implement the best online strategy for businesses, institutions and professionals.Aida Blog63178
Celestyn Blog28207

Gardenias And Their Care

There are a lot of people out there that have no luck with growing gardenias but then there are still those few that have very good luck with growing gardenias. Sounds to me like you have some magic powers when it comes to growing plants. At least when it comes to plants that no one else can grow. Let's first agree that although these Gardenia flowers sparkle like moondust with their pure white petals, although they send off a thick unforgettable fragrance so enchanting it goes right into perfume, growing them is pure science.

When growers cultivate these, they must know what makes them grow and what makes them flower, because those are the Gardenias that will fly off the shelves. You can use what they know to become a better Gardenia Gardener.

There is a report that some scientists put out on the study of gardenia plants it is called, "Flower Initiaition and development in gardenia plants as affected by photoperiod and night temperature." What scientists E. P. Makridou and A. S. Economou did was expose Gardenias just like yours to different daylengths: eight, 12 and sixteen hour days, for four weeks. Then they took all the Gardenias and exposed them to sixteen hours of daylight for four more weeks. Which Gardenias do you suppose had the most flowers?

The ones that began with eight hours of light, the ones with 12 hours of light Or the ones with 1sixteen hours of light? Turns out that the Gardenias that had the shorter days, and then switched to longer days, had the most flowers of all. The researchers concluded that 'short photoperiods promote flower bud initiation in Gardenia plants. But that's not all! They did another experiment.

This time, they exposed all their Gardenias to eight-hour days for four weeks and then split them up into three groups. These pots were now grown under different daylenghts eight, 12 and sixteen hours long. Guess the results for this experiment. Did changes in day length affect flowering? Answer: The ones that had long days for a full eight weeks and the days that were sixteen hours long flowered quickest. Then they did another test!

They wanted to know if night temperatures would have any effect on Gardenias. So they grew them all with eight hours of daylight and set the thermostat at 75 degrees F. When the lights went out, they lowered the temperature to while the night temperatures were kept at 55, 65 and 75 degrees F.

They did this for four weeks. Then they chaned the night temperature. All Gardenias were now spending their nights in a 65-degree F room. They did this for four weeks. And they tried several other combinations of temperatures as well, all with the same eight hour day length.

Results: Gardenias flowered earliest when exposed to days and nights of 75 degrees F. All the Gardenias flowered. There was no other effect observed on the number of flowers. So if you want to use this research, you would want to give your Gardenia only eight hours of daylight for four weeks. Then you would make the day longer. You would give it sixteen hours of daylight. This Gardenia would have constant temperatures of 75 degrees F the whole time. And you would have Gardenias coming out of your ears.

If you put your Gardenia outside, you know it's going to get Aphids. But this is not a problem! Because you are going to run down to the Garden Center and pick up a nice big container of Ladybugs. Spray them with Sprite before you put them down. That will keep them from flying away. Sprinkle them around your Gardenia, in the middle of your Garden. If you have Roses, you can put them in the same area, and the Ladybugs will run around your garden hunting for Aphids, Mealybugs, Beetle larvae, ants, all kinds of insects you never knew you had.

No fuss, no muss. And you can get up close and personal with your Gardenia, you can eat your Gardenia, and there will be nothing poisonous there to make you sick. I love that most of all. If you keep your Gardenia potted, it will most certainly dry out very quickly. Growing one of these is not like growing them indoors. The great outdoors is full of surprises, and these Gardenias do not take dry soil kindly. Watch it very carefully if you do that. I do believe however the fresh air is good for everyone after a winter indoors.

They'll study that someday, but for now, it's my personal theory. Remember that humidity is always important for these plants, that a low pH is their comfort zone, and that when moving anything to a full sun exposure you should do it gradually to give leaves time to adjust their chlorophyll. If not then as I have said go to your local nursery and talk to them about your gardenia or you can go on the internet and do a search for gardenia and see what you come up with.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for offers same day flower delivery within the US and Canada, as well as fast worldwide delivery to international destinations. Start here to search by "Occasion": Blog14584
Annabel Blog69329

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